Youth Academy
The Greatness Within Academy will provide participants with general knowledge of multi-cultural history/experiences, Social Emotional Learning Skills (SEL), and Adverse Childhood Experiences.
The objective of this program will be that participants will apply this information to their daily lives and be equipped with positive coping skills.
Healthy eating demonstration with each session; the youth will make and eat snack.
Sample Weeks
Session 1
Afro Latinos in History
SEL: Building Positive Coping Skills around Anxiety
Session 2
Famous African American with disabilities
SEL: Building Healthy Relationships
Session 3
History of relationships of African Americans and Native Americans
SEL: Preparing for the future
Session 4
Participate in Day of Inclusion event.
Session 5
Civil Rights Movement
SEL: Self-Identity
Session 6
Collaboration with other community organizations to celebrate Black History Month activities
Session 7
Women in History
SEL: Self Awareness
Session 8
Afro Asian history and relationship with African American community and Asian American community
SEL: Community Connections
Session 9
LGBTQ Contributions
End of the year celebration